Your donations are vital to our ability to serve the community. We appreciate any way you feel called to give.
Every $10 donation means….you provided 8 patients with blood pressure medicine for 90 days.
Every $50 donation means….4 patients can have their blood chemistry checked.
Every $100 donation means…an interpreter is available 10 hours during clinic hours.
Donate Money or Stock
We are funded through monetary donations & grants. If you would like to contribute to our mission, we happily accept checks via mail or in-person drop off at our clinic or online donations using the button below.
Donate Time
There are many opportunities to help, from patient contact to special events. To get started, click here to download our volunteer application. Return the completed form to the clinic and one of our staff members will set up a time for orientation.

A donation by one of our patients (above).
Our Community Partners