Due to an issue with our current ticketing platform, we will no longer be using GiveLively for the remainder of this year’s Gala fundraiser. If you purchased your tickets already – 1st off THANK YOU and 2nd – we have a record of your purchase so you are good to go!
If you have not yet purchased your Gala tickets, there’s still time! There’s ~100 spots remaining so be sure to act fast as we now have less than 1 month to go and have bigger and better auction items than ever!
To reserve your tickets, please either use the Venmo account pictured below and include your name(s) and # of tickets you are ordering and/or what sponsorship level you wish to donate as (ex: $500 transaction could either be 5 individual tickets or a bronze sponsorship with 2 tickets and the rest a donation, so please specify) or drop off a check with one of our board members or directly at our office in Yadkinville with Gala in the memo line and a little note with the same above info.
Thank you all for being so understanding and we appreciate your support! This is going to be our best Gala yet and we hope this does not deter you from attending!

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